UK Cemeteries Postponing Excavations due to Weather

Saturated Ground Conditions

As the wet weather continues, many cemeteries are encountering difficulties in excavating graves for burials and an increasing number are being forced to limit or postpone digging for burials until conditions improve.

Many earthen burial areas have become waterlogged due to the sustained wet weather causing problems when digging graves and some areas have become impossible to excavate altogether.

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Excavating earthen graves in wet ground can be dangerous and risk of grave collapse is high.

Interring in the saturated ground also runs the risk of damaging existing graves and the area in general can quickly become a quagmire which is unsightly and hazardous to visitors.

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Saturated ground conditions makes excavating earthen graves hazardous

Business as Usual

Despite the problems experienced in many UK cemeteries for burials, all welters® Cemetery Village operations continue to operate a normal service and the full complement of welters®  funeral experience support services are also continuing uninterrupted.

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Burial chambers provide safe, year-round interment provision


Cemeteries are also reporting that demand for our burial chambers and mausoleums has increased as families are seeing the obvious advantages of our systems when compared to the waterlogged and unsightly earthen burial sections.

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Cemetery Village burial chamber installations


welters® Cemetery Villages are designed for year-round interment and usually combine above and below ground burial options with facilities for cremated remains.    Burial chambers can always be opened easily and safely and there is no risk of the grave collapsing.  Similarly our private family and community mausoleums provide continuous interment provision.

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Community mausoleum ready for interment and burial chamber prepared for burial in background.


Access to the grave or mausoleum is always possible and our interment support teams are available to train staff or carry out the sealing of the chamber or mausoleum as part of our Interment Support Service.

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Our Interment Support teams are available to carry out preparation and sealing up or to provide training for cemetery staff in the procedures.


Never cancel a grave again


Visit our website for more details